Future directions in nanomaterial synthesis: from rational design to data-driven manufacturing
Virtual Workshop — January 19-21, 2021
This virtual workshop will bring together researchers from around the world who share an interest in advancing the use of data-driven approaches to 2D materials synthesis. The objectives of this workshop are: (1) to collect new insights and lessons learnt related to the synthesis of various nanomaterials, with emphasis on 2D materials; (2) to create a framework for collaborations among groups in these areas on synthesis and complementary computational tools; and (3) to present the efforts of the Network for Computational Nanotechnology Nanomanufacturing Node in using computational and data-driven tools to serve the synthesis community.
U-Net Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Segmentation: Application to Scanning Electron Microscopy Images of Graphene
Virtual Workshop — January 20, 2021
hosted on nanoHUB
Unsupervised Clustering Methods for Image Segmentation: Application to Scanning Electron Microscopy Images of Graphene
Virtual Workshop — January 13, 2021
hosted on nanoHUB